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Hablo en español, I think in English, I write as it flows. Sometimes I write as if I’m thinking, other times I write as if I’m talking to my best friend.

In Virgos don’t cry I welcome you into the most intimate space I found on the internet to share myself. Here, I can write whenever I want, without thinking three times or more if something makes sense or not, without thinking in which image should it have, what design is perfect… What matters to me the most is to let out whatever I’m thinking.

I want this to be a creative space that connects me to people who feel the same as me, who see themselves and flow through what I write. This is mine and yours. Feel free to create, to laugh, to cry, to do whatever you want.

Comment and rate things with me in Random*Ratings.

Share your style questions and ideas with me in Species of Style.

Download the Substack app and chat with me on the sporadic threads I start.

Virgos don't cry: a deep dive into my notes app 💌

If you want to read the next newsletters, subscribe. Maybe you'll regret it, or not. Quién sabe.

And remember to spread the word. ✨

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a deep dive into my notes app


a creative addicted to the internet. Always updating her webpage: aitannic.com